Episode 193 - Grief, A Rolex And A Perpetual Connection

I last saw my uncle in June of 2016. At the time he told me he had something for me but he had decided he'd wait and give it to me later. As it turned out, later would never come because he died 3 weeks later.

hristmas of 2016 on a visit back to S. Louis, my aunt and cousin presented me with the item my uncle bequeathed to me... a Rolex DateJust watch. I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. I had never owned anything that expensive that I couldn't drive and I was afraid that somehow I would mess it up, maybe break it.

Over the last year, that watch has become a way to establish a connection with my uncle. I think aabout how hard he worked and the many successes in life he had: he owned race horses and ran a successful daycare business. He was also there for my mother and me when we needed something like my school clothes or getting our car fix - anything that we needed in the moment. This watch reminds me of the essence of who he was and of who I can be.

I would like to someday buy a Rolex of my own in celebration of how far I have come on my grief journey and to pass my uncle's watch to my son before I die. My uncle was the closest thing to a grandfather that my son ever had and I want him to experience this wonderful feeling of wearing something so grand in remembrance of my uncle... our uncle.

Looking at the Rolex website (rolex.com) I found that many of the stories of prominent Rolex owners have purchased/received their watches after persevering in whatever profession they have to be the best at what they do. This watch helps me channel the same spirit from my uncle.

One of the Rolex tag lines is "The world of Rolex is filled with stories of perpetual excellence." Mine is filled with the perpetual excellence of my hardworking uncle and the perpetual connection this watch gives me to him.

Here is a picture of the watch: https://dealingwithmygrief.com/podcast/episode-193

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 Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com)

Rolex DateJust.JPG

Episode 84 - Heirlooms and Their Effect on Grief

I recently wore a watch that was left to me by my uncle. Wearing it made me feel closer to him... and it really made me happy. Here I reflect on things left to me be relatives.

Do you have any heirlooms left to you, and if so do you incorporate them in any way in your daily life?

Contact me using any of following:

email - darwyn@dealingwithmygrief.com

twitter - http://www.twitter.com/dealwithgrief

voice message - http://www.dealingwithmygrief.com/voicemail

Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com)